Le Bermuda implementano strategie per migliorare la competitività aziendale







Hamilton, Bermuda – June 18, 2024 – Premier David Burt has unveiled a suite of strategic measures aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of businesses in Bermuda. This ambitious initiative is set to lower operational costs, streamline business processes, and foster a more conducive environment for both local enterprises and foreign investors.


Bermuda has been a prominent player in the global insurance and reinsurance markets due to its advantageous tax policies and stringent regulatory standards. However, the island’s economy, especially its small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), has been grappling with high operational costs and limited financial resources. The COVID-19 pandemic further highlighted these vulnerabilities, necessitating decisive government action to support economic recovery and growth.

Key Strategies Announced

Premier Burt’s plan encompasses several targeted strategies designed to reduce business costs and improve overall competitiveness. The key components of the plan include:


1. Payroll Tax Reduction

A significant reduction in payroll tax will be introduced to alleviate the financial burden on businesses. This move is expected to lower the cost of employment, thereby enabling companies to retain their workforce and potentially expand their hiring. The reduction is particularly aimed at benefiting SMEs, which are vital to Bermuda’s economic fabric.

2. Simplified Business Licensing

To facilitate easier business operations, the government will implement a streamlined business licensing system. This reform aims to cut through bureaucratic red tape, reduce associated costs, and make it simpler for entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses.

3. Energy Cost Subsidies

Acknowledging the high energy costs faced by businesses, the government will offer subsidies to lower electricity expenses. This initiative is intended to reduce one of the most significant operational costs for businesses, thereby enhancing their competitiveness both locally and internationally.

4. Improved Access to Capital

The government will work to enhance access to capital through collaborations with local and international financial institutions. This includes the establishment of a business development fund designed to provide low-interest loans and grants to SMEs, facilitating growth and innovation.

5. Incentives for Digital Transformation

To promote modernization, the government will provide incentives for businesses to invest in digital technologies. These incentives include tax credits for technology-related investments and grants for digital training programs. Digital transformation is seen as a key driver of efficiency and new market opportunities.

Anticipated Outcomes

The implementation of these strategies is expected to have a substantial positive impact on Bermuda’s business environment. By reducing operational costs, businesses will be better positioned to invest in growth and innovation. The streamlined licensing process and improved access to capital are projected to spur entrepreneurship and attract new investments to the island.

Premier Burt expressed confidence in the future, stating, “These strategies are aimed at creating a more dynamic and supportive business environment in Bermuda. Our objective is to ensure that businesses not only survive but thrive, contributing to a resilient and prosperous economy.”

Business Community Response

The announcement has been well-received by the business community. The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce commended the government’s proactive approach, noting that the measures address key concerns of local businesses. Many business owners are optimistic that reduced costs and better access to capital will help them recover from the pandemic and explore new growth opportunities.


Premier Burt’s announcement marks a pivotal step towards enhancing Bermuda’s business competitiveness. By addressing critical cost factors and simplifying regulatory procedures, the government aims to create a more favorable environment for business success. These strategies are expected to stimulate economic growth, generate employment, and position Bermuda as a prime destination for business investment in the coming years.

As these initiatives roll out, both local and international business communities will closely monitor Bermuda’s progress, assessing how these changes translate into tangible benefits for businesses on the island.

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